Retreat Into Silence
Round and round the small shed the grizzly bear chased me, its hot breath close on my heels. I wasn't really afraid, just kind of...

Unlocking My Voice
In my self righteous need to speak my truth, I lost sight of how my words and energy would impact us both, in a way that left me feeling...

Walking Each Other Home
“You're not helping me!” S cried. She was in tremendous pain as a cyst had grown onto L5 in the lower spine, and was also attached to a...

A Single Step
I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions and pondering on why I never feel drawn to creating one. It often feels like a set up for...

Yoga and Energy Medicine to Strengthen Bones
“They may feel like rocks, but bones are living things.” And all living things need to be taken care of. As a young adult I never gave...

Breathing for Stress Relief
What a difficult month September was! One of the most challenging I've faced in a long time. It began with the death of my nephew, and...

Stepping Through Fear
Standing at the face of the rock wall, I felt exhilarated and nervous. It was my grandson's sixth birthday and we had come to the...

Spirit of Cathedral
It was a narrow, precarious trail we were navigating, cut into the side of the mountain. We were already a couple of miles in when Jeff...

Morning Recital
Four women walked quietly from the cabin tucked in the woods at Temenos Retreat Center; one of many retreats this group had taken...

Finding Balance
My gaze soft, I take on the shape of the trees outside my window. I root my standing foot, relax my jaw and find uijayi breath to quiet...